Wardens Teddy | 24/07/2021

Made in Unity, Wardens Teddy was initially created for the 2021 Global Game Jam - but because we liked the concept so much we pushed to polish the game and made it into a full release!

The final trailer for the game! You can check out the GGJ trailer here.

The game is set in a prison, where you play as a warden who is locking up for the last time. But then realising you've lost your teddy somewhere inside, you must traverse back through the prison solving puzzels and avoiding the traps meant for escapees.

The original theme for the game jam was 'lost and found', and it was the first time I had ever worked in a team to create a game. Our team was made up of 5 people (including me), and I took the role of programmer and unofficial project manager (aka the fun police, saying no to cool ideas to make sure the project got done...). It was great to work with other talented people, especially those who enjoy art and level design!

The game has 10 unique levels, a variety of traps and objectives, and an online highscore system. I am proud of both the GGJ and full game version, doubly so because it was my first full release game.

Click to download and play the game!

Before Wardens Teddy, I had completed a number of other jams and created games such as Gravity Grapple and The Hypnotist and the Diamond Rose, as well as made a variety of other small games, for example Stick Battle, Neon Dawn and a project based around Photon (a networking solution for Unity).